
Rows upon rows of games calling me to play them, GameStop is my favorite place in Austin.

One of the best parts about GameStop is the games. Just looking at them is fun. It’s fun trying to pick if you want a shooter,racing or adventure game–all of them are great. Also you can look at all the games and know which ones you’re gonna get next time- it helps a lot more than you think.

Another reason is you get to try the really cool next gen stuff. For instance I remember trying on the new gaming head sets, I didn’t want to take them off! Another really cool next gen item is the Xbox One. It has so many cool features one is just simply the controller. It feels really good in your hands.

So in conclusion, from great games to cool stuff. Game stop is an awesome place.

Deep Down Below


Drip drop slowly the water falls as I ventured into this cave. “Has anyone lived here before? it almost feels like a lair.” But I ventured on, my great grandmother’s last wish was for people to rediscover this place ,but why did no one come here before? Almost immediately my question is answered. All across the floor there’s bones at first. I think, I hope, I wish there were just rat bones, but then my eyes slowly turn and I see the skeleton of something way too large to be a rat.The only weird part was it was holding something… I couldn’t see what it was though.

As I slowly walk towards it music starts playing very softly– almost as if it was trying to stop– almost as if the music itself brings sorrow. As shaken up as I was, I kept moving, determined to find what was in the skeleton’s hands. I finally reached my destination; I see it’s… a mask– just a mask.

I slowly decide I should try it on ,but I am halted by a soft flicker. I turn around to see what it was and I was confronted by hundreds upon hundreds of candles… all of them seemed to be lit, though they weren’t lit before. The candles all seemed to point (if that’s possible) at a throne, but this was a peculiar throne for no king or queen sat upon it–only a cape.

Photo Credit: seyed mostafa zamani via Compfightnture