Favorite mistake essay

Since we have been working on our essay so much this week I decided to post it to my blog so without further ado here it is.

I slowly walk forward as the line moves up regretting every step ” why did I agree to go on this death trap”,Hoping that wasn’t my last thought. But never less I agreed to ride it and that’s what I’ll do. After what seamed like hours it was our turn. I think to myself I’m gonna die and everyone else is laughing with glee! I board the cart my friend gets in next to me and the bar locks. The cart slowly slides up the slope. I count the seconds it takes to get to the top. 1,2,3,4, 5… the cart lurches down. I start to scream loud I screamed alarm-getting-you-out-of-bed-loud.

The cart races left and right as if it was trying to knock me off I look over at my friend whose throwing his hands up and laughing, screaming,smiling I thought he’d lost his mind. Just as we hit the first loop I scream so loud I think my grand kids heard it.knowing this was the end of my life I thought about all my mistakes for instance riding this stupid thing, but after we hit the loop I was fine and that’s when I realize that I’m gonna be fine and start to enjoy the ride. When the next loop comes around I put my hands up and look over at my friend who’s doing the same thing once we hit the loop adrenaline took over and I wasn’t scared anymore.

Now looking back I couldn’t believe I was scared. I am now afraid of very little coasters(well at least I tell myself that)but,I still don’t find them fun. I actually have started looking in to the science behind them but doing that didn’t help that last little bit of fear, but in the end even though it was a mistake to go on it I’m very happy that I rode the coaster not only did I get over my fear of them I also learned a lesson that in order to conquer something you have to face it.


Being a gamer

In order to be a gamer you have to put in countless hours of practice just to get a chance. It’s taking-the-STAAR-test hard… I’m just kidding, being a gamer doesn’t require hours upon hours–anyone can be a gamer. 


Being a gamer is actually really fun and easy. It’s almost tying- your- shoe- easy all it takes is wanting to game and a little cash too.

From morge file